Important Questions for Class VII
A. Fill in the blanks:
i.) ____________ has the potential to cause serious harm to a computer system.
ii.) A threat can be ____________ and ___________.
iii.) ____________Uses computer networks and security holes to replicate itself.
iv.) ____________program can erase your hard disk.
v.) Computer viruses were first widely seen in the late___________.
vi.) Crime conducted with internet called ____________.
vii.) ____________ is one who breaks into or otherwise violates the system integrity of remote machines with malicious intent.
viii.) File backup and System image are two ___________________methods.
B.Find true or false:
i.)Computer viruses are nothing but computer program that do unwanted things.
ii.)A hacker is hacking software which access in sensitive information from your computer.
iii.)Backup and Restore is a component of Microsoft Windows.
iv.)Cyber means the use of internet technologies and computers.
v.)We shall use a computer to harm other people is one of the ethics of computer.
C. Short answer questions:
i.)What is threat in computer?
ii.)Give one difference between Trojan Horse and worms?
iii.)What is Firewall in windows?
iv.)List two ethics of computer?
v.)Give one difference between Hackers and Crackers?
vi.)Why we need Backup?
vii.)What are the types of Backup? Write name of each.
viii.)What do you mean by Restore? How it is helpful for you?
A. Fill in the blanks:
i.)_____________ is the building block of HTML
ii.)HTML document must have .html or ___________ extensions.
iii.)_____________tag is used to write line or text in center.
iv.)_____________tag is used to set paragraph.
v.)To insert image ___________tag is used.
B. Find true or false:
i.)HTML tags are case sensitive.
ii.)<h1><h2>……..<h6> tags represent heading tags of different size.
iii.)<p> tag is used to insert new line or insert enter in HTML.
iv.)<img> tag is used to insert images in webpage.
v.)<B> tag is used to make text italics.
C.Short answer question
i.)What is HTML?
ii.)Name any two attributes used with the BODY tag.?
iii.)Write the HTML code to set the background color to yellow.?
iv.)How would you insert image in an Html document?
v.)What does the ‘r’ in the <HR> tag indicate?
A. Fill in the blanks:
i.) ____________ has the potential to cause serious harm to a computer system.
ii.) A threat can be ____________ and ___________.
iii.) ____________Uses computer networks and security holes to replicate itself.
iv.) ____________program can erase your hard disk.
v.) Computer viruses were first widely seen in the late___________.
vi.) Crime conducted with internet called ____________.
vii.) ____________ is one who breaks into or otherwise violates the system integrity of remote machines with malicious intent.
viii.) File backup and System image are two ___________________methods.
B.Find true or false:
i.)Computer viruses are nothing but computer program that do unwanted things.
ii.)A hacker is hacking software which access in sensitive information from your computer.
iii.)Backup and Restore is a component of Microsoft Windows.
iv.)Cyber means the use of internet technologies and computers.
v.)We shall use a computer to harm other people is one of the ethics of computer.
C. Short answer questions:
i.)What is threat in computer?
ii.)Give one difference between Trojan Horse and worms?
iii.)What is Firewall in windows?
iv.)List two ethics of computer?
v.)Give one difference between Hackers and Crackers?
vi.)Why we need Backup?
vii.)What are the types of Backup? Write name of each.
viii.)What do you mean by Restore? How it is helpful for you?
A. Fill in the blanks:
i.)_____________ is the building block of HTML
ii.)HTML document must have .html or ___________ extensions.
iii.)_____________tag is used to write line or text in center.
iv.)_____________tag is used to set paragraph.
v.)To insert image ___________tag is used.
B. Find true or false:
i.)HTML tags are case sensitive.
ii.)<h1><h2>……..<h6> tags represent heading tags of different size.
iii.)<p> tag is used to insert new line or insert enter in HTML.
iv.)<img> tag is used to insert images in webpage.
v.)<B> tag is used to make text italics.
C.Short answer question
i.)What is HTML?
ii.)Name any two attributes used with the BODY tag.?
iii.)Write the HTML code to set the background color to yellow.?
iv.)How would you insert image in an Html document?
v.)What does the ‘r’ in the <HR> tag indicate?
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